Saturday, April 14, 2007

my craft room

All my life I've wanted a sewing and crafts room. Finally, I have one! I moved into an old eight room house almost two years ago and it took me about a year to set up the room. I was SO happy the day I did it. Folding up my fabric stash was so much fun!

Unfortunately, that project generated a rash of fabric buying sprees. Now, I either need more cubbyholes or to start some big projects!

PS. The white stuff on the window is tape. We were in the middle of having a spate of Cedar Waxwings eating berries off the bushes in the back of the house. I think the berries made them drunk. In one day, I heard at least a dozen birds hit the windows. In the end, even with the tape, we had six deaths. Poor birdies.

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