Saturday, April 14, 2007

coming soon: knitted cables without needles

I've been in love with knit cables since I first started knitting. In fact, believe it or not, a cabled cardigan was my first project. No scarves for me! In my 40 years of knitting (!) I have only made one scarf and that was two years ago. I sold it a woman who fell in love with it. It was pretty funky looking: it looked like it was made of paper. I don't remember what yarn it was but I wish whoever made it still did.

Anyway, back to cables. That first sweater was beautiful but it looked terrible on. I ripped it apart. It took ten years before that yarn turned into anything wearable. I kept making things and ripping them apart! Patterns were terrible back then and I wasn't ready to design my own.

The thing about cabling is that I've always hated using a cable needle. It slows things down so much. On top of that, as my knitting buddies can attest to, I'm always losing those little needles. One time I dropped one in someone's boot. I'm reminded of that, by her, rather often.

Well, I FINALLY figured out how to do cables without the needles. It's fun. It's easy. It's fast. And I'm going to take some pictures so you can see how to do it, too. There are other explanations on the web, but they seem overly complicated to me, at least what I've seen.

So, don't hold your breath, but I will post some pics soon. Believe me, being freed from cable needles is a wonderful thing!

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