Sunday, March 23, 2008

everything is interesting

If you look over to the links, you will find a new blog, entitled "Everything is Interesting". I will start posting to this blog today. It may take over from this one, for it's a vehicle for whatever moves me, day to day. And as any reader of this blog knows, I can't keep on topic or stick to one project for long. . .

Thursday, March 13, 2008

purling quiz

In the Fall, I wrote a trivia quiz about purling and submitted it to the huge trivia site Fun Trivia. I promptly forgot all about it.
It's been on the web for a few months now, and it's been rated by the editors as "Tough", but the point of the quiz is not to get the answers right or wrong, but to learn some new things (trivial things, of course). The editors changed two of my questions in ways I didn't like, but hey, I never expected them to put it on line in the first place.

Here's the link to the purling quiz. Have fun!