Monday, August 20, 2007

off on yet another tangent

My chatbot, Ms. Know Nothing, is a bit of a mess and I haven't had the time to continue working on "her". Meanwhile, I have still yet to pick up any knitting or work on any number of my craft projects. I haven't been in my craft room for who knows how long. It may be covered with dust, for all I know.

I've got yet another new obsession and his name is Marcel Proust. What have I gotten myself into? I've picked up "In Search of Lost Time" many times, back to when it was still called "Remembrance of Things Past" and given up in humiliation. This is the longest book ever written in which there is the longest sentence ever written. And with my memory, this is a big problem, for with those really long sentences, well, I forget what they are about somewhere halfway through (or even less). Still, I'm intrigued. I always have been.

I just finished reading Alain De Botton's "How Proust Can Change Your Life".What a wonderful introduction to the world of Proust. De Botton himself is an excellent and very funny writer.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

off on a tangent

I haven't knit anything for a week. I have a room full of unfinished projects. A friend brought over some felt because she said I asked for a small piece for something I was working on. I don't even know what it was!

What's happening here?

I'm off on a tangent. That tangent is called "Ms. Know Nothing". She's a web bot, a chat bot, a virtual character. You can talk to her if you don't mind her limited ability to converse and have a high tolerance for frustration.

I must give a lot of credit to a friend of mine who has way more knowledge of this stuff than I'll ever have. Please visit her blog, The Websafe Times, for great conversation, interactive drawing, and artwork that you'll see nowhere else. Some days, I am in awe. Yes, I know it sounds like hyperbole, but trust me, it isn't!

I'm in a hurry right now and I can't seem to set up the links outside of the posting area, so here's the link so you can have your frustrating talk with Ms. Know Nothing!